natureplus Europe Event Series 2023
natureplus Europe Event Series 2023
It’s a match! Meeting sustainability goals and European regulations with bio-based and circular construction materials
Find the presentations of the events below and the recordings on media.
Join natureplus and its partners for a European-wide event series entitled “It’s a match! Meeting sustainability goals and European regulations with bio-based and circular construction materials”, with online and in-person events taking place from 5th to 15th December 2023.
The upcoming revision of the EU Construction-Products-Regulation (CPR) aims to harmonise sustainability standards for construction products and could play a major role in accelerating climate action in the building sector. The European Union has been actively promoting the use of sustainable construction materials and it is envisaged that bio-based, circular, and regional construction materials will likely meet the requirements of the CPR, making it easier for clients and building professionals to meet their net zero commitments.
However, developing a harmonised approach for technical specifications for construction products is complex. To ensure a consistent approach, any new regulations must align with established standards, such as EN15804 for Environmental Product Declarations, and take note of emerging initiatives such as material passports.
natureplus and its partners Agrodome (NL), ASBP (UK), Baubioswiss (CH), IBO (AT) and VIBE (BE) invite you to a 10-day event series focusing on emerging product regulations, as we discuss the opportunities for bio-based and circular construction materials to lead the way.
Attendees will have the opportunity to:
• Find out more about the status of the CPR from government representatives from both the European Commission and Parliament. What should we expect and how will the revised regulations interact with emerging policy measures and existing standards and regulations, such as the European Green Deal and the Circular Economy Action Plan, and those overseen by ‘mirror committees’ in the UK.
• Consider the expected impacts for product manufacturers and building professionals, working at both EU-wide and regional levels, including Germany, Austria, Netherlands and the UK.
• Discuss the opportunities for bio-based and circular construction materials to capitalise on the new regulations, increase market share, and further contribute towards the net zero and health & well-being agendas.
All events will be held in English.
Event programme (All times CET)

Tuesday 5th December, 10:00-12:00 CET, Online (natureplus)
Kick-off webinar: Understanding and dealing with the Construction Product Regulation
The European Union (EU) is planning comprehensive eco-standards for building products. The upcoming revision of the EU Construction-Products-Regulation (CPR) offers a strong opportunity for climate protection and resource conservation in the building sector. However, this requires holistically sustainable standards that are at the same time comprehensible for all construction stakeholders. So, what is the status of the CPR? What is expecting us? What do manufacturers and constructors have to take into consideration? How can we be well prepared for the upcoming new regulations?
At this opening session of the series, convened by natureplus, Anna Theresa Bach (European Parliament) and Outi Ilvonen (German Environment Agency, UBA) will provide a comprehensive introduction and overview of the CPR and its upcoming revision. They will share with us their evaluation of the new tool and point out weak points and opportunities. Attendees will learn how to meet the upcoming requirements and how bio-based, regional, and recyclable building materials are part of the solution.

Ms. Bach serves as a Referent for MEP Christian Doleschal, who holds the role of rapporteur for the Construction Products Regulation (CPR). Their responsibilities encompass guiding and overseeing the revision process of the CPR.

Ms. Ilvonen works at the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) since 2000. She is an expert of the European Commission for hazardous substances in construction and heads the DIN delegation in CEN/TC 351: "Constructions products: Assessment of the release of dangerous substances from construction products".

Thursday 7th December, 10:00-11:30 CET, Online (VIBE)
Example of short, closed loop material use: BC Materials
BC materials transforms excavated earth of construction sites into building materials. This Belgian company produces local building materials such as clay plasters, compressed earth blocks and rammed earth for floors and walls. These products are circular, carbon neutral, healthy and possess minimal grey energy. Business developer Anton Maertens clarifies the supply chain of BC Materials.

Thursday 7th December, 16:00-20:00 CET, Triodos Bank Head Office, Netherlands (Agrodome)
Symposium and site visit to Triodos HQ in the Netherlands (Free event)
Join Agrodome for a free-to-attend symposium at Triodos Bank’s HQ in the Netherlands, "the first large-scale 100 per cent wooden, re-mountable office building”. With speakers Dorine Peters from Eindhoven University of Technology’s real estate development department, Hans Stegeman (Triodos) and Cor van Oers (Biobased innovation Gardens).

Monday 11th December, 14:30-16:00 CET, Online (ASBP)
Climate policy action and product standards: Supporting the transition to a circular construction industry
Join ASBP for an online event with keynote speaker Philippe Moseley, Policy Officer, Sustainable Industrial Policy and Construction at the European Commission, who will give an overview of the construction industry in the context of the European Green Deal, and update on emerging EU policies which aim to support a circular construction industry.
Attendees will also hear Reusefully’s Gilli Hobbs and Katherine Adams (ASBP Technical Director) who will update on product standards development at the EU and UK level, including development of product passports, circularity measurement and pre-demolition evaluation. Find out more!

Thursday 14th December, 17:00-18:30 CET, Online (IBO)
Construction Product Regulation from the Austrian perspective
The new Construction Products Regulation is due to come into force this year, what will that mean? Will the basic requirement 7 ‘Sustainable use of natural resources’ now be filled with life? Are we overshooting the mark or are long overdue requirements for practical implementation now being put into concrete terms?
Join IBO for an online session to discuss the many steps to the revision of the CPR from an European perspective and gain insights on the national conversion in Austria. Hear from Sarah Richter, Bau EPD GmbH (accredited body for EPD verification), who has been commenting on the CPR-drafts as Austrian Member State representative for the last two years – from the perspective of sustainability and global environmental impacts. She will also talk about the plans for the practical implementation of the new CPR requirements in approximately 32 product groups.
Registration for all events is via the natureplus website (payment via Eventbrite).
Event fees:
• Free - Members of all hosting associations
(natureplus, Agrodome, ASBP, IBO, VIBE)
• Free – Students
• €20 – Members of partner organisations* and natureplus clients
• €35 – General admittance
Special offer! Buy a ticket to the whole series and receive entry to one event for free.
*ASBP partner organisations in the UK include ACAN, AECB, Building Performance Network, BWF, CIBSE, Fit for the Future, Good Homes Alliance, natureplus, Retrofit Works, Passivhaus Trust, SuperHomes, STBA, The Green Register and Woodknowledge Wales.
*natureplus partner organisations: firstplanit